Saturday, June 24, 2006

Tons of Rubbish

I noticed yesterday that this will be post 100. A ton of posts from someone with little to say! That got me mulling over the origin of the word "ton" in this context. After all, a ton is 2240 imperial pounds or 20 hundredweight (showing my age here). And a tonne is 1000 kg. So where does "ton=100" come from when talking about speed, runs in cricket or other colloquial measures.
My dictionary doesn't help, neither does Wikipedia or the other on-line dictionaries I browsed through, so I'll just leave this one hanging...
Anyway, if I have produced a ton of rubbish, imagine how much the other 20 million bloggers on Blogger have produced. It's mind-boggling. Maybe some recycling is in order.
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