London Bombings
Nobody can be indifferent to the bombings this week in London. Once again faceless, misguided fanatics choose to kill and maim at random.
Such actions only serve to harden the resolve of the decision takers. The British public will react similarly. I had to go to London on the night of the Harrods bombing by the IRA. The mood that night and the day after was one of determination not to let terrorists change our way of life, our routines. There was no panic, just as this week.
In the UK, the bombs will make little difference. The British people will continue to support its government despite lies and spin. Unfortunately, there is no credible alternative to New Labour since Labour moved to occupy the Liberal Democrats' place in the political spectrum, pushing them and the Conservatives further to the right.
At least Tony Blair has admitted some of his mistakes, unlike the idiot in the White House who only this week continued to connect Saddam Hussein and Al Quaeda.
Our hearts go out to the families of the dead and wounded, chosen arbitrarily from among the millions of people of all nationalities who use London's public transport each day.
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